It all began,
When I was a young child, devouring over National Geographic Magazines imagining myself as the photographer behind the image. This ignited a spark in me which began my life's purpose.
My professional career took a detour as I worked my way up the fashion industry as a merchandiser. One fold after another, I could not help but look back at those yellow pages and long for something more fulfilling from my work.
I went back to school for photography to hone in my skills behind the camera and take it to some of the most unforgiving environments in the remote outdoors. During this time I picked up the trade of canyoneering, caving, rock climbing, and high-lining while learning the ropes In each sport so that I can rig for the perfect shot.
This eventually led to my participation on the United States Deep Caving Team, where we would explore deep-cave systems to study, map, photograph, and share knowledge about conservation. Images play a large role in funding for these trips while educating about its unique life underground.
Now, I live full-time out of my ram promaster van traveling across the United States capturing adventure with my sidekick Kika (chihuahua rescued from Mexico).
My mission is to capture the essence of the outdoor athlete, showcasing their journeys, passions, and conquests in the uncharted wilderness. Through compelling visual storytelling, i aim to inspire other to embrace the outdoors, persue their passions, and live a life full of purpose and adventure.